This post is the first of a series explaining our organization's current work and strategy. One part of that is work at the United Nations. A volunteer team of advocates spearheaded work on the reclassification of cannabis (marijuana), during the past two years while the World Health Organization's Expert Committee on Drug Dependence worked on recommendations, and then while those recommendations went to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) for a vote. You may have seen our article in Drug War Chronicle about this.
One of our UN representatives, Michael Krawitz, is also the Executive Director of the group Veterans for Medical Cannabis (VMCA). Michael, while attending the CND early last March as a member of our delegation, secured a speaking slot and gave remarks on behalf of VMCA:
The UN medical marijuana project that Michael's a part of includes other members of our UN delegation, and there's information about it here. Along with accrediting the group to UN meetings in Vienna and Geneva, we also support them as the charitable sponsor that accepts 501(c)(3) donations for their work.
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